Let's Face It...
*You have a closet full of clothes that you can't fit into
*You are uncomfortable in a bathing suit
*You don't have the confidence that you once had
*You are tired of being tired all the time
*You're tired of not feeling like yourself
*This pandemic has taken it's toll of you

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Discover The Fitness Program, For Frustrated Moms and Dads, That Burns Twice The Fat, 
Gets You Fit, And Leaves You With Endless Confidence...
Allow me to introduce myself,

I am Robert B. Foster and I want to make it my personal mission to help busy moms like you finally focus on themselves and relight that inner fire that is dying to burn again!

RBF Fitness and Nutrition empowers busy women and moms to recapture their confidence and self esteem using fitness as the platform. With a uniquely created 7-step methodology, the program has helped thousands of women repair their relationship with themselves and inspire their children to lead healthy lifestyles that will carry over for generations. We believe mothers are the backbone of the household and many times feel lost, overwhelmed, and in some cases defeated. Our program addresses the daily hurdles mothers face and help link the solutions into fitness programs for the mental, physical and emotional well-being.

It only takes 5 SECONDS to make a decision, you just have to make up your mind that right NOW is your time!
Robert B. Foster
Head Accountability Coach
Owner of 2x Best Of RI winner
 RBF Fitness and Nutrition, LLC

Featured in...

CASE STUDY: See the results from people just like you who are using my proven fat loss program.
It's Time To Stop Making Excuses And Take Control Of Your Fitness Goals!
RBF Fitness and Nutrition is an investment that is guaranteed to change your life if you take action and implement the resources that we provide. I want to make it a total no brainer for you to get started RIGHT NOW! First step in our process is to take 1 week of unlimited classes for FREE to make sure you are a fit for RBF Fitness.

If you are READY TO TAKE ACTION then click the button below Now!

It's time to STOP BEING IN PAIN (Physically, Mentally, or Emotionally)...Take Action TODAY!!
👇👇See our schedule here👇👇
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get ahold of you if I have a question?
You can email us at ​rob@rbffitness.com
If I am out of shape can I still do the program?
Yes, we have modifications for every exercise and we can scale the workouts to your fitness level.
Does it include a nutrition plan too?
Yes, we will tell you exactly what and when to eat so you can easily reach your goals.
Can I try the gym before committing?
Absolutely!  You can get 1 week free by clicking the button above.  
It's time to look and feel your very best!
P.S. Can't wait to help you CRUSH YOUR GOALS. Together, we can do this!
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